Çerez Örnek


Graduate School of Natural Sciences - Natural History - Master's Degree with Thesis

With the letter of the Rectorate of Ege University dated 02.07.1996 and numbered B.30.2.EGE., regarding the opening of the Department of Natural History within the Institute of Natural Sciences of Ege University; at the meeting of the Executive Board of Higher Education dated 16.04.1997; taking into account the positive opinion of the Interuniversity Board, in accordance with Article 7/d-2 of the Law No. 2547 amended by Law No. 2880 and Article 5/d of the Regulation on the Organisation and Operation of Graduate Education Institutes, the proposal of the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education dated 28.04.1997 and numbered B.30 .2.EÖB. dated 28.04.1997 of the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education. With the letter of Ege University Rectorate dated 13.05.1997 and numbered B.30.2.EGE. regarding the approval of the opening of the Department of Natural History within the Institute of Natural Sciences and with the decision numbered 1 in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Natural Sciences dated 26.05.1997 and numbered 1997/18, the Department of Natural History was opened.

There is a Master's programme with thesis in the Department of Natural History within the Multidisciplinary Departments programme at Ege University Institute of Science and Technology. Programme information and course contents are available here.

Ege Üniversitesi